Cucumis - Сервіс безкоштовного перекладу онлайн
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Запитані переклади - beatux

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Для цього перекладу вимагається лише загальний зміст.
Англійська It is the most noticeable house in the street...
It is the most noticeable house in the street because of its colourful garden. There is a long driveway which leads to the house, and even before you enter through the old oak front door you can hear the sound of the happy voice of the large family that lives within.
The front door opens into a spacious hall. Downstairs there's a bright kitchen with an open fireplace and a large wooden table where we all sit chetting for hours on winter evenings.

Завершені переклади
Литовська Labiausiai vertas demesio namas sioje gatveje